Cinema Anywhere, Any Time

Cinema Anywhere, Any Time
Cinema Anywhere, Any Time

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In the morning the search for the dead body continued...

I bet if I gave you three guesses as to which book about a famous director this line is from you would probably get it right fairly quickly. It is, of course, Werner Herzog, and I finally got around to reading his "Conquest of the Useless," his diary of the making of Film Folly Fitzcarraldo.   Even if you are a fan of Fitz and of Les Blank's doc Burden of Dreams (about the making of Fitz), this brings altogether new insights told in Herzog's distinctive nihilist/humanist/poetic style. Most fascinating is he spends more time ruminating on the mysteries of the animals and insects he encounters in the Amazon than on the trials and tribulations of film making.